© Daniel Mirer
Thingstätten in Deutschland, Stedingsehre DE.
Thatched roofed buildings part of a fixed small village theater grounds built for a performance written by Augus Hinrchs
in 1934, a stage plays De Stedlinge. The village backdrop is part of a larger outdoor stage Thingstätten where events and
mass rallies where attended by Nazi party leaders. The Thingstätten building and the out-door theater remain and is
currently being used as an educational institution for people with special needs, rehabilitation from health problems.
Thingstätten in Deutschland, Stedingsehre DE.
Thatched roofed buildings part of a fixed small village theater grounds built for a performance written by Augus Hinrchs
in 1934, a stage plays De Stedlinge. The village backdrop is part of a larger outdoor stage Thingstätten where events and
mass rallies where attended by Nazi party leaders. The Thingstätten building and the out-door theater remain and is
currently being used as an educational institution for people with special needs, rehabilitation from health problems.
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