Serena Williams returns the ball to Svetlana Kuznetsova during their match at the Miami Open tennis tournament in Key Biscayne, Fla. The top-ranked player could face quite a challenge this weekend, though, when she may have to play three matches in two days before a hostile crowd on slow red clay against Italy in a Fed Cup World Group playoff. Besides playing two singles matches in the best-of-five series, Fernandez said Serena will also be expected to play doubles if the match is tied 2-2 Sunday. (AP Photo/J Pat Carter, File)
Serena Williams returns the ball to Svetlana Kuznetsova during their match at the Miami Open tennis tournament in Key Biscayne, Fla. The top-ranked player could face quite a challenge this weekend, though, when she may have to play three matches in two days before a hostile crowd on slow red clay against Italy in a Fed Cup World Group playoff. Besides playing two singles matches in the best-of-five series, Fernandez said Serena will also be expected to play doubles if the match is tied 2-2 Sunday. (AP Photo/J Pat Carter, File)
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