Izabella Gosttschall, right, and her sister, Sophia, talk to one of the remaining horses at the Masterpiece Equestrian Center in Davie, Fla. Izabella recently lost her horse to a batch of feed tainted by additives safe for other livestock but toxic to horses. The Masterpiece Equestrian Center, where 22 horses were poisoned by tainted feed, has reached a settlement with the company that produced and sold the feed. Andy Yaffa, the attorney representing the equestrian center and the owners of 20 of the horses said Monday, Dec. 29, 2014, that the terms of the settlement are confidential, but his clients will be able to care for their ailing horses and purchase new horses. (AP Photo/J Pat Carter, File)
Izabella Gosttschall, right, and her sister, Sophia, talk to one of the remaining horses at the Masterpiece Equestrian Center in Davie, Fla. Izabella recently lost her horse to a batch of feed tainted by additives safe for other livestock but toxic to horses. The Masterpiece Equestrian Center, where 22 horses were poisoned by tainted feed, has reached a settlement with the company that produced and sold the feed. Andy Yaffa, the attorney representing the equestrian center and the owners of 20 of the horses said Monday, Dec. 29, 2014, that the terms of the settlement are confidential, but his clients will be able to care for their ailing horses and purchase new horses. (AP Photo/J Pat Carter, File)
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